Monday, November 9, 2009

The start....

So this is my very first blog!!! this is something I have wanted to do for a while but always pushed it off but i was inspired today by an amazing artist and all around person Kandee Johnson, i love watching her videos and reading about her everyday life, she has such a great outlook on life and i really admire her she seems like such a good person. well shes the reason i finally broke down and decided to make a blog and create an archive of my memories and experience for others to enjoy if they chose and also for myself.
Whether its good or bad its always a good thing to have something to look back at! I love finding old things even silly stuff like date books or folded up papers in coat pockets, seeing or reading those kind of things transports you back to that time and place and its really powerful to recall a different time. Anywho..i have this page which is my personal blog that i will probably just ramble about the good and bad or my day but i also have another blog i created to network and continue in my aspirations of doing makeup or something fun like that one day... that's the link..stop by and check it out sometime!!